October Update

October’s been a busy month for #TeamExtract! We’ve participated, socialised, supported and donated!
On 15th we’ve visited King James’s School – a specialist science college in Huddersfield – to attend the annual Careers Convention held in conjunction with the Calderdale and Kirklees Service Partnership.
Extract’s Technical Operations Director as well as many other business people from the region attended to offer young people the benefit of advice and experience on such matters as entry qualifications, training and future prospects in their particular fields. The school have struggled in the past engaging with local companies to come and discuss the great opportunities in Engineering and Manufacturing. As a business we’re working towards engaging with schools to deliver the message and close the skills gap that we constantly face!
The next Thursday, 22nd October we’ve participated in the first ever Stafflex Footgolf Charity Challenge Cup. Teams of 4 were invited to enter (£100/team) and all the profits went towards The Huddersfield Town Foundation. Their great aim is to improve the lives of children and young people in our local community.
Have you heard about Wear it Pink? Since 2002 every year Wear it Pink raises around £2 million during Breast Cancer Awareness Month, by asking people to wear something pink and donate whatever they can. #TeamExtract joined in – we’ve organised a bake sale, sweepstake, we’ve donated and – obviously – we wore PINK! See our effort below: