Building on their reputation as a respected and innovative manufacturer Extract Technology has installed a three chamber Cell Therapy Isolator at the Cellular Therapeutics Unit of Manchester University. The Isolator is to be used for Cellular Immunotherapies targeted at Cancer, which has been performed in a clean room environment. Dr Ryan Guest, Leader of this project, stated that there were several reasons behind the move to using Isolator Technology; higher throughput, less labour intensive and finally lower operational costs as work can be safely carried out in a grade D cleanroom.
The Isolation system includes three identical chambers all complete with uni-directional flow achieving an EU Grade A / ISO5 environment along with a fully integrated continuous particle monitoring system and automated chamber leak test facility. These features all interface with a hydrogen peroxide vapour generator, designed for the gassing-in-place of individual or combinations of chambers. Following on from the completed installation of the Isolator Dr Ryan Guest commented:
“We are very impressed with the Isolator supplied by Extract Technology. They fully understood the requirements contained within the specification and fulfilled our expectations throughout the project”.